Tools of Titans is a short-form podcast series from Tim Ferriss, one of Fast Company’s “Most Innovative Business People” and an early-stage investor/advisor in Uber, Facebook, Twitter, Shopify, Duolingo, Alibaba, and 50+ other companies. The show highlights short life advice from the best in the world. The Observer and other media have named Tim “the Oprah of audio” due to the influence of his long-form podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, which has exceeded 500 million downloads and been selected multiple times for “Best of Apple Podcasts.”
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Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of World-Class Performers
BJ Miller
Thu Jul 09 2020
Excuses with hashtag bullshit afterwards. Oh my god, man. That's such a great story. The miracle of a snowball BJ described waking up in a burn unit after being electrocuted in college and losing three limbs. Quote, a burn unit is a particular place, a gruesome place. The pain that the patients are going through is gut wrenching. Working in a burn unit is very difficult. People usually don't last in a burn unit very long as a clinician. The thing that often kills burn victims after they've survived the initial trauma is infection. So burn units are incredibly sterile environments. Everyone's gowned up, masked and gloved. For the 1st several weeks, I could only have one person in my room at a time. You cut off from everything. There's no day or night. There was no window in my room. Even when people are at your bedside, there's all this garb in between you and them. You have no relationship to the natural world. You can touch nothing. You're also in a fair amount of pain, of course, which does not necessarily reward your paying attention to anything. It's not fun. So that was November. At some point in December, maybe it was early January. There were 2 nurses in particular I felt very close to, and it may have been one of them who brought me the snowball. 1 was named Joy Varcardepone. It may have been joy. It was snowing outside, and I didn't know that. She had the bright idea of smuggling in a snowball to me so I could feel snow. Man, it was just stunning. What a simple little thing. Right? But She put it in my hand and just feeling the contrast of that cold snow on my sort of
Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of World-Class Performers
Coach Christopher Sommer
Tue Jul 07 2020
Can be found at And if you like long form interviews, feel free to check out my long form podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, which recently crossed 500,000,000 downloads. It can be found at tim. Blog/podcast. As a place to start, I might recommend Jamie Foxx, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Jenn Collins. There are 100 to choose from, but those are 3 really fun episodes to start with. And until next time, I wish you and yours all the best in these turbulent and uncertain times. Please stay safe. And again, thank you for listening.
Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of World-Class Performers
Derek Sivers
Thu Jul 02 2020
This is true when questioning his own motives or when tackling big projects. The rationale is identical to Derek's. For people starting out, say yes. When Derek was 18, he was living in Boston attending the Berkeley College of Music. Quote, I'm in this band where the bass player one day in rehearsal says, hey, man. My agent just offered me this gig. It's like $75 to play at a pig show in Vermont. He rolls his eyes and he says, I'm not gonna do it. Do you want the gig? I'm like, fuck yeah. A paying gig? Oh my God. Yes. So I took the gig to go up to Burlington, Vermont, and I think it was a $58 round trip bus ticket. I get to this pig show, I strap my acoustic guitar on, and I walked around a pig show playing music. I did that for about 3 hours and took the bus home. And the next day the booking agent called me up and said, hey, yeah, so you did a really good job at the pig show. So many opportunities. And 10 years of stage experience came from that one piddly little pig show. When you're earlier in your career, I think the best strategy is to just say yes to everything. Every little gig, you just never know what are the lottery tickets, end quote. The standard pace is for chumps. Quote, Kimo Williams is this large black man, a musician who attended Berkeley School of Music and then stayed there to teach for a while. What he taught me got me to graduate in half the time it would normally take. He said, I think you can graduate Berkeley School of Music in 2 years instead of 4. The standard pace is for chumps. The school has to organize its curricula around the lowest common denominator, so that almost no one is left out. They have to slow down so everybody can catch up. But, he said, you're smarter than that. He said, I think you could just buy the books
Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of World-Class Performers
Maria Popova
Fri Jun 19 2020
Novelist, and essayist, Danny Shapiro. A kind of Virginia Woolf of our day. Science writer extraordinaire, James Glick. Cosmologist, novelist, and science and society cross pollinator, gen 11. What is the best or most worthwhile investment you've made? A very rare edition of Maurice Sendak's illustrated poems from William Blake's songs of innocence. Short and sweet. The culture of news is a culture without nuance. If you could guarantee that every public official or leader read one book, what would it be? The book would be, rather obviously, Plato's The Republic. I'm actually gobsmacked that this isn't required in order to be sworn into office. Like the constitution is required for us American immigrants when it comes time to gain American citizenship. Hi, all. This is Tim again. Thank you so much for listening. The full audio book of Tools of Titans, which includes more than 100 chapters like these, can be found at And if you like long form interviews, feel free to check out my long form podcast, the Tim Ferriss Show, which recently crossed 500,000,000 downloads. It can be found at timdot log/podcast. It's a place to start. I might recommend Jamie Foxx, Elizabeth Gilbert, or Jake Collins. There are 100 to choose from, but those are 3 really fun episodes to start with. And until next time, I wish you and yours all the best in these turbulent and uncertain times. Please stay safe. And again, thank you for listening.
Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of World-Class Performers
Jocko Willink
Wed Jun 17 2020
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, this is Tim Ferris, author of the 4 hour work week, 4 hour body, 4 hour chef, tribal mentors, and just like the name of this podcast, Tools of Titans. This is a short form podcast. Most episodes just 10 to 30 minutes long, where I will be sharing actionable tips from Tools of Titans, which is a compilation of my favorite habits, routines, and tactics shared with me by world class performers across nearly every field imaginable. After years in the making, the audiobook version of Tools of Titans is finally available, and you can download it at s. The lessons and tools of titans have made me happier and healthier. They have made me more effective and literally saved me years of wasted effort and frustration. In short, they've changed my life. And the hope is that through both the audio book and now this podcast, they help change yours. Please enjoy this episode. And if you'd like to listen to the other 100 plus profiles and chapters from Tools of Titans, please check out forward slash ferris. Thanks for listening. Jocko Willink. Jocko Willink. Facebook, Twitter at jacowillink. is one of the scariest human beings imaginable. He is a lean £230. He is a Brazilian jujitsu black belt who used to tap out 20 Navy SEALs per workout. He is a legend in the special operations world, and his eyes look through you more than at you. His interview with me was the first interview he ever did, and it took the Internet by storm. Jocko spent 20 years in the US Navy and commanded SEAL Team 3's task unit bruiser, the most highly decorated special operations unit from the Iraq war. Upon returning to the United States, Jocko served as the officer